Media-inzichten vertalen naar je merkstrategie
Lange tijd was het bieden van overzicht in media vermeldingen aan organisaties en merken door media monitoring bureaus voldoende. Echter, de tijd van alleen weten hoe vaak je waar vermeld staat in de media is voorbij. Het is niet relevant als je kijkt naar de overall bedrijfsdoelstellingen. Het gaat om de impact en bijdrage van…
Lees meerAan tafel bij DWDD: hoe de media werken & hoe je ze vóór je laat werken
Welke onderhandelingen gaan eraan vooraf voordat gasten in talkshows als DWDD, Pauw of RTL Late Night aan tafel komen? Hoe zorg je ervoor dat een tv-interview vóór je werkt en niet tegen je? En hoe kom je aan tafel bij een talkshow die elke avond rond de 1 miljoen kijkers trekt? Voor menig PR– of communicatieprofessional,…
Lees meerHoe culturele intelligentie (CQ) je verder helpt met internationaal zakendoen
Veel bedrijven overwegen de stap naar het buitenland. Soms vanwege een gunstiger ondernemersklimaat, vaak om nieuwe afzetmarkten aan te boren. Internationale expansie brengt kansen en mogelijkheden, maar er liggen ook valkuilen op de loer. We kennen allemaal wel het verhaal van de zakenman die in Japan niets geregeld krijgt omdat hij geen rekening houdt met…
Lees meerBlog: Your brand is your mantra for success
As the founder of a design and strategy firm, I have made it my mission to help fellow entrepreneurs in the UAE towards building strong, remarkable and lasting company brands that keep them one step ahead in an ever-changing world. This country is known for its strong entrepreneurial spirit and culture. As part of the…
Lees meerBlog: Why branding is about to change forever
Why branding is about to change forever Next to being passionate about branding, I also consider myself a digital geek with a profound love for tech. Over the past years I have been following with great interest many discussions on robots, artificial intelligence, machine learning and how they are going to drastically change the world as…
Lees meerBlog: Selecting the right color for your brand
The psychology of color is an interesting and controversial topic in branding and design. Many of the facts about the psychology of colors and its persuasive capabilities consist of personal opinions. In this article we will discuss the elements a new brand identity needs to consider when selecting the right color for an identity. Brands and color are very strongly linked…
Lees meerBlog: It is all about imagination
As Einstein put it: “Logic will get you from A to Z. Imagination will get you everywhere.” Imagination is essential in creation. But what is imagination? And does it come naturally or can it be taught? The greatest artists of our planet take inspiration from what is surrounding them. In this article we try to…
Lees meerBlog: Effective food branding and packaging
You can only make a first impression once. This is what effective and original packaging is about. Distinctive and attractive packaging influences purchase decisions, informs your audience and reflects your brand. A recent study shows how packaging and branding affect the way consumers trust the product. Your packaging contributes to brand recognition and loyalty, reflects…
Lees meerBlog: Restaurant Brand Experience
How to attract customers to your restaurant? Restaurants are an extremely competitive business and attracting new customers is always a challenge. For instance, Dubai is a highly competitive market, with approximately 2862 restaurants in the city. Customers usually tend to stick with restaurants they know and like, but at the same time many people are interested…
Lees meerBlog: How a creative approach energizes visionary branding
In a world of ever-increasing competition for the consumer’s attention, brands have to constantly innovate just to stand out. They have to constantly re-imagine how their purpose can come to life. The changing market landscape has sparked the need to provide a clear promise to consumers; the need to create extraordinary experiences that generate desire,…
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